Over the years OnCourse Marketing has worked with a lot of start-up companies. A few have made it and gone on to be good-sized companies. A few are still hanging around on life support and quite a few are no more.

Recently, we have been approached by a large number of start-ups.  I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. We love working with new ideas and new companies. Our team really enjoys discovery and creating new brands. So, from one point of view, we love start-ups. From another, we are finding that start-ups have changed considerably in the last five years or so, as there are many types, including game pages like casino as free pokies online and Casinon utan insättningsgräns, which are great games to make money on.

In the “old” days, everyone had a business plan. In the “old” days everyone seemed to understand it would take time and investment to get the business up and running.  In the ‘old’ days people went out and did research before they developed their product.

Based on the companies that have been walking in our door lately, there seems to be a shift. There are a lot of really good new ideas and new mobile apps just begging to be created.

In fact, this whole time period reminds me a lot of the early dot com days. A lot of people without business plans.  A lot of people who are creating products for people just like themselves. And a lot of people who are convinced they will be an overnight sensation. The only thing missing is a lot of people lining up to invest money in an idea and crossing their fingers that it will work out.

At OnCourse Marketing, we’ve been asking ourselves why there seem to be more ideas and less planning and research. I hate to say it, but I’m blaming it on the Internet.

According to the video marketing agency, video is the second most popular type on social media for increasing engagement. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube. Just get it out there and worry about the rest later, right? The prevailing thought seems to be as long as you are on the Internet you are guaranteed to be an overnight sensation.

While I don’t question the power of the Internet, I have a strong belief that without proper planning, research and funding, it will take five or so years to be an “overnight” sensation on the Internet.

Without proper research, you are probably missing the boat to start with and you’ll never make it. This is why you need the help of experts such as Social Media Management Company UK.

Without proper funding, someone else will take your idea, fund it and become an overnight sensation!

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